Member’s Forum (In Person): So You Want to Visit the Colorado Plateau? with David Lattanzi
Description: The Colorado Plateau in the American Southwest is one of the great photographic destinations and has something for everyone. We’ll discuss how to plan your trip and how to […]
Competition: (Zoom) – Theme: Texture with Judge Greg Holden
Greg Holden is a photographer from Longmont, Cowho uses his photography to share with others how he sees the world. He enjoys creative photos of little scenes often overlooked by others rather than postcard landscapes. Although he […]
Member’s Gallery (Digital, In Person) – iPhone Photography: The Things You See! with Greg Smith
Description: With his iPhones, Greg Smith has often captured spur-of-the-moment events, but also taken landscapes, portraits, and anything else that is picture worthy. And quite a bit that is not. […]
Member’s Forum (In Person): Aurora Photography with Nancy Galib
Description: Nancy will discuss her trips to see the aurora borealis, and what she learned on each one. The presentation will include information on gear, camera settings, and editing aurora […]
Final Portfolio Project Review (In-Person) – Group 2 with Brian Zwit
The final review for group two of the Portfolio Project will be held with Brian Zwit as our reviewer. Brian, formerly just a photographer and educator in northern Virginia, added […]
Member’s Gallery: (In-Person) – Safari with David Kravitz
During his high school years, David Kravitz had his own dark room and enjoyed exploring black and white film photography. Then life intervened. After college, graduate school, and a 40-year […]