Member’s Gallery – Print (In Person): Nature and Theater with George Bradshaw
February 25 @ 7:30 pm – 7:45 pm
Two themes, similar from a certain perspective — though some may call theater mere artifice, it also serves as our meager attempt to grasp the nature of Nature. And as the photographer attempts to capture the natural beauty of a perched bird or a lone tree or a rippling river reflection, he also attempts to capture the actor’s, choreographer’s and scene designer’s representation of human nature.
George Bradshaw inherited a photo gene from his father who freelanced in the ‘30s and ‘40s. But the gene did not express itself until 2015 when, in retirement, he bought a Canon 70D; and has been having a blast with photography ever since. George caught the bug to photograph theatrical performances during an OLLI class at George Mason University, where he observed actors “getting into character” at a moment’s notice, transitioning to unmistakably separate personae – George wanted to capture these otherwise fleeting moments of nature and art.
In 2018 George joined the NVPS and now volunteers on the editorial staff. He especially enjoys the NVPS Education & Training programs, which, along with all the other NVPS activities, continually drive him forward to “see” his world and discover meaningful compositions.