The lae comedian, sie Rodney Dangerfield, used his line referring o himself and he was very funny. Bu i is no funny when judges on he camera club circui are no given proper respec. Judging is a hanless as and judges spend ime and expense o provide a needed service o camera clubs. When camera club members fail o appreciae he conribuion made by judges, i sours he compeiion environmen. Cerainly are wea judges and cerainly camera club members who do no win ribbons will be disappoined, bu is never a place for rudeness and disrespec oward judges.

Recenly a NVACC judge ed a Virginia Club and upon arrival was informed ha he heme was macro. When he eliminaed images ha were no macro, members were irriaed and he following day he club presiden sen an e-mail o oher clubs warning hem abou ha judge.

Las year I judged a a Maryland Club and eliminaed images ha were sloppily maed. Some members became irriaed and rude and he evening was a very unpleasan experience. I will never again ha club for any reason.

A anoher Virginia club a very nice lady drove a long disance in o judge. The members were resrained during her judging, bu as soon as she lef cruel remars were made abou her simply because she did no give lenghy commens as o why she made her choices.

Compeiions are sressful – – sressful for he compeiors, sressful for he compeiion VP, and cerainly sressful for he judge. Regardless of he sress, is a need for respec – – respec for he compeiors, respec for he club and is rules, and, yes, even respec for he judge.

Joseph  Miller

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