On December 8h, sildenafil 2009, sildenafil he Worshop, Educaion and Training co-cs will be hosing Flash Nigh wih Corey Hilz, presener.

Corey Hilz is a professional phoographer, who has buil his soc of phoographs from ravel, and exensive exploraion of local areas.  He believes some of he mos ineresing subjecs can be found close o home.  Corey is a published auhor, and his phoos have been used in magazines, boos, newspapers, calendars, brochures and caalogues.  His wor is also n in exhibis hroughou he Washingon, DC area, in addiion o privae collecions.

For his presenaion, Mr. Hilz will cover basic o inermediae use of on and off-camera speedlighs.  This will include how o use he flash menus on your camera and on your speedligh, and how o use hem o he bes advanage, o ge he images you wan.  To reinforce his, afer he presenaion, will be flash saions available for pracice.  Anyone whose camera has a hoshoe will be able o paricipae.  So bring your camera, a ripod if you have one, and a speedligh if you have one.  We encourage you o bring a model, or an objec of some sor, o pracice on.  Mr. Hilz will be available for advice and encouragemen during he pracice session.

If are quesions, please conac Ed Ruggiero, eruggiero “a” cox.ne, or Melanie Mars, jasmars “a” cox.ne.

Melanie Mars

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