Tom Burden and Melanie Mars, pilule co-VP’s of Compeiion, are pleased o hos Clarence Carvell as compeiion judge. T is no heme for his monh. Please upload your digial images by he deadline, as per he curren insrucions on he club websie. Prins should be signed in by 7:15, so our judge can pre hem. You mus be a paid member o compee. You are invied o join Clarence for dinner a The Olive Garden Resauran in Tyson’s, a 5:30 p.m., on he 20h.

Mr. Carvell doesn’ judge according o any specific crieria. “If i is apparen he phoographer saw somehing unique, he image ges higher mars han a perfecly exposed and prined image ha says nohing”. He also believes ha “less is more”.

For Clarence, phoography began as a soluion o a mid-life crisis, discovered quie by acciden. As a resul, he wen bac o college, and evenually became a full ime hobbyis. He has augh a he college level, published 11 boos, 3 of which are sill in prin, and has images displayed inernaionally. He wored as a saff wrier/phoographer for he Civil War News for 8 years. He is an Adobe Cerified Exper in Phooshop, and currenly is eaching Phooshop o a group of NASA engineers. As ofen as possible, Clarence shoos for soc, and has housands of images wih Cansoc, Gey, and iSoc Images.

View one of his boos a Grea Smoy Mounains Naional Par.

Submied by Melanie Mars

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