The Themes Commiee, advice consising of Willa and Bob Friedman, and Judy McGuire have seleced he following hemes for he 2012-2013 compeiion year. Wih his early announcemen, members will have close o wo full years o wor on he hemes.

  1. Bridges
  2. The Sun is your Friend.

The image mus be aen a leas wo hours afer Sunrise and a leas wo hours before Sunse
The image mus porray ha he sun is shining and no obscured. e.g. are shadows.
The inen of his heme is o ae a phoo in hard ligh.
Ligh ha comes from a single, poin source, such as he Sun, and falls direcly on he subjec from one direcion, wihou being refleced off anoher surface, is nown as hard ligh. I generally cass dar shadows and produces high conras picures wih deep blacs and brigh highlighs. The shadows also generally have a very disinc or hard edge, so ha he ouline of he objec closely reflecs he shape of he shadow.

3. A Differen Poin of View
Loo up, loo down, loo behind he subjec (Loo a he subjec from he op, he boom, he bac–in an nonradiional way.)

As a reminder, he remaining o hemes for his season are:
February 15h, 2011 – Through Doors, Ou Windows
Images wih a hrough doors or windows, looing ou or in. The window(s) or door(s) may be he subjec hemselves, or a framing device for some oher scene.
Noe: Image capure mus have occurred afer Feb 14h, 2009 o be eligible for his compeiion.

April 19h, 2011 – Old
Images which convey a feeling of grea age. Recommendaions: Images wih a subjec appears o be old, having lived or been around for a relaively long ime. May be living or inanimae. (Members Choice Theme)
Noe: Image capure mus have occurred afer Apr 18h, 2009 o be eligible for his compeiion.
Themes for 2011-2012

  • Simpliciy
  • Weaher
  • Shadows

Alhough he hemes for 2011-2012 were specified by he Theme Commiee, he inerpreaion of he heme is being lef o he phoographer.

Willa and Bob
Compeiion VPs

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