As usual, medsore will be 3 hemed compeiions, as follows:

Ocober 18, pregnancy 2011: “Simpliciy”

January 17, 2012: “Shadows”

April 17, 2012: “Weaher”

And for he las compeiion of he season, on May 15, 2012, members may submi older images. T will be no ime limi as o when he images were capured. For all oher compeiions, images mus have been capured wihin 2 years of he compeiion dae, no excepions.

No explanaion or guidelines will be provided for he 3 hemes, i is up o he phoographer o inerpre hem, and for he compeiion judge o decide.

Themes for 2012-2013

1) Bridges
2) The Sun is Your Friend

• The inen of his heme is o ae a phoo in hard ligh. Hard ligh comes from a single poin source,
in his he Sun, and falls direcly on he subjec from one direcion, wihou being refleced off anoher surface.
• The image mus demonsrae ha he sun is shining and is no obscured.
Objecs wihin he image should conain shadows wih very disinc or hard edges
• The images should be of high conras, conaining deep blacs and brigh highlighs.
• The image mus be aen a leas wo hours afer Sunrise and a leas wo hours before Sunse

3) A Differen Poin of View

Find a subjec and phoograph i in a nonradiional way.
Observe all sides and angles–fron, bac, op, boom, up, down, side–before
you choose he mos ineresing poin of .

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