Dates for the themed competitions:


  • Oct. 20, 2015 –  Portraiture
  • Mar. 15, 2016 – Creativity
  • May 17, 2016 – Architecture


Apr. 19, 2016 – Oldies Night. Normally there is a two year time limit on submitted images, but there is no time-limit on images for “Oldies Night”.


Definitions for the themed competitions:


  • Portraiture – The subjects for this theme can be people or other animals, primarily capturing the face; but full figure is acceptable, for example, a wedding portrait also shows the dress. Both formal and informal (candid) captures allowed but keeping the main subject as an individual.
  • Creativity – This theme is meant to push the boundaries of your creativity through use of in-camera and or computer processing techniques. Examples being, multiple exposures, zooming and camera manipulation, panning, layering with textures, lighting techniques, digital painting, anything goes! A time to show off your processing techniques.
  • Architecture – Images of man- made structures including bridges, buildings, alone or collectively; parts of buildings such as arches, columns, ceilings, cupolas, stairways etc. Architectural structures within a landscape environment also accepted, such as a pergola or gazebo.
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