Take this opportunity to get feedback on your images. Submit images you are experimenting on with new software; images that need just a little help, and/or images you may consider for a competition. The sole purpose of anonymous critique is to help you grow as a photographer. You will not be identified unless you choose to make comments or ask questions about your images.
The firm deadline for image submission is 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2, to allow time for our computer team to anonymize the images and for Willa and Ron to review them before the April 9 meeting.
You can submit up to three images. Please prioritize them by naming them as follows: number_title, where number is 1, 2, or 3, followed by an underscore and anything you’d like for a title. For example, “1_Red House on the Prairie.” Putting the number first will allow us to sort the images so that at least one image from every photographer is critiqued. Beyond that, Willa and Ron will critique as many images as time allows.
Please submit your images to critique@nvps.org, sized the same as for competition: jpeg images with a maximum of 1400 pixels wide and 1050 pixels high (vertical shots have the same 1050 pixel height requirement), sRGB workspace. We recommend your images be set to 127 pixels per inch (PPI, sometimes called dots per inch or DPI) or less (e.g., 127, 96 or 72 PPI) for best results with our projector. If you send the images from Mac mail, please select the “actual size” option from the “image size” menu in the upper right corner.
Questions? Please contact the Education and Training Coordinator, Eva Lanyi, at education@nvps.org.