NVPS members have an opportunity to submit one or two photos for our upcoming anonymous critique. This critique will be conducted by Matthew Schmidt of Lorelei Studios and also a member of NVPS. It will be held on April 8, 2014 which is our Education & Training night.
Matt will be providing his constructive feedback on the images submitted and the photographer’s name will not be announced. Particularly for newer members with less experience in competitions, the anonymous critique enables the photographer to get feedback in a public setting without being identified.
Depending on the number of images submitted, Matt will evaluate one, two or more per photographer. Please indicate which image you’d like to be shown first, second.
Use the same size limits as we have for digital competitions. Send your image(s) by email to the following: education “AT” nvps.org
We look forward to seeing your work!
Claire and George
Education and Training coordinators