ChuckChuck Campbell is a serious amateur/fledgling professional photographer based in Northern VA. He’s been a member of NVPS for 6 years and credits the great folks in the club with sparking his interest in becoming a better photographer. He completed the yearlong Professional Program at the Washington School of Photography a year and a half ago to also improve his skills. As a long time military member, he’s probably the only person who spent over 30 years in the service who was never assigned overseas for even a short assignment. He’s trying to make up for that now by traveling as often as he can for photographic trips. However, with four kids and a wife currently in college, Chuck still works full time and probably will for the next 28 years. So, with limited time, he creates compact trips that squeeze in as many photographic opportunities as possible. This presentation is the last 10-day trip Chuck took in April and May 2015. It’s called, “Prague, Vienna and Budapest in 232,320 Steps”

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