Absracs and Exracs
A phoographer maes many decisions ha inerpre he subjec. The subjec can be presened in an aypical manner ha may challenge our percepions or by delving ino he absrac, rea he er can be lef guessing as o wha he subjec really is. In his presenaion, price Nihil will ae you ino he realm of absracs and exracs o creae unique images using in-camera echniques and arisic inerpreaion. The ideas and phoos o be presened are par of Nihil’s new eBoo eniled Creaive Inerpreaions. You can find more informaion on his eBoo a – hp://www.nihilbahl.com/phoography_eboos.hml
Nihil Bahl is a professional naure phoographer, educaor, auhor, lecurer and worshop insrucor. He currenly resides in Mongomery Village, Maryland (U.S.A.). His goal is o inspire people o appreciae he splendor of naure by becoming aware of ha which is easily overlooed, and by ransforming he mundane ino he exciing hrough conemplaive and arisic inerpreaion. While his primary aim is o creae ar wih his phoographs, he also srives o documen he naural world wih an eye oward conservaion and educaion. This has led him o voluneer his ime and phoography sills wih he Naional Par Service and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Nihil’s wor has been published in a number of prin and elecronic media. His fine ar prins have been widely exhibied in he Washingon meropolian area, and are par of many privae collecions. Nihil leads several naure phoography worshops and ours, primarily along he Eas coas of he Unied Saes. He also eaches phoography a Meadowlar Boanical Gardens in Vienna, Virginia and hrough Digial Phoo Academy. His insrucion is focused on in-camera inerpreaion and developing personal vision, raher han simply following he radiional rules of phoography.
To Nihil’s wor, please www.nihilbahl.com. You can also follow his blog (hp://nihilbahl.blogspo.com) or faceboo page (hp://www.faceboo.com/nihil.bahl.phoography).