Zen through the Lens–Photos of Nothing

Tuan  PhamPhotos of Nothing is about a visual adventure born out of deep disappointment. The disappointment soon gives way to surprises, amazement, and equally deep insights. The subject matters conventionally deemed insubstantial and insignificant begin to reveal their freshness and other hidden attributes. Each photo opportunity bears witness to a deep connection between the photographer and his subjects. The adventure suddenly became a play ground for the eye to learn to see nature in the unprejudiced way, and for the artist within to come out and have fun, without the overshadow of the glamour of tools and techniques, and the internal critic.

The presentation begins with a quick visit to the birthplace of creativity, to be followed by the presenter’s account of his journey–his activities on the ground and on the bus, his discovery of the beauty of the ordinary, and the invaluable insights on seeing. The presentation ends with a slideshow of 40 one-of-a-kind images depicting the personal transformation when one is free from the stranglehold of concepts, prejudice and preoccupation.


The Presenter:

Tuan Pham is originally from Vietnam. He studied at the University of Maryland in College Park and held jobs in banking and in mediation. He now practices and teaches mindfulness meditation and Zen-through-the-lens photography in Arlington, VA.

Tuan bought his first DSL and joined NVPS in 2005. By 2010 he had won numerous ribbons, and got more images juried in the Meadowlark Photography Expo in Northern VA that year than most participating artists. He lucked out again in 2012, with the most images juried in the Joe Miller Photographic Art Center’s Second Annual Abstract Exhibition. Tuan’s approach to photography was subject of an article in Elan Magazine, December 2012 issue, called “The Art of Seeing.”

As a photographer, Tuan likes to take pictures the easy way, not having to climb mountains or wake up before sunrise. He opens his eye and heart to everyday subjects and draws immense joy from them every day, with or without the camera. Tuan has taken classes with Joe Miller and Freeman Patterson, among others and draws inspiration from the works of impressionist painters and the teachings of Ancient Masters on “Wise attention.”

Now retired, Tuan lives in Annandale, VA, close to his twelve grandchildren, and can be reached at 703-855-9888 or zernttl02@gmail.com.

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