On Tuesday April 19h, wha is ed our compeiion judge will be Karen Keaing. The heme is Old. Images which convey a feeling of grea age. Recommendaions: Images wih a subjec appears o be old, having lived or been around for a relaively long ime. May be living or inanimae.

On compeiion nigh, please plan o join us and Karen for dinner a Chili’s a 5:30 prior o he compeiion.

You mus be a paid up member o compee.

Karen Keaing:
M.F.A in phoography, Maryland Insiue College of Ar. Sudied a he Corcoran School, Maine and Sana Fe Phoographic Worshops wih Keih Carer, Arno Minennan and Eugene Richards.

Phoography sudio eacher a The Field School 1990-presen; Direcor of Phoowors, Inc. a Glen Echo Par, a phoography educaion cener. Teaches darroom classes, inermediae and advanced classes on “Towards a Personal Syle” and summer youh classes a Phoowors.

Member Muliple Exposures Gallery, Torpedo Facory, Alexandria and Sociey of Phoographic Educaors.

Recipien of Tufs Universiy Ar Teacher Award, Maryland Sae Ars Council gran and mos recenly 2010 Excellence in Teaching Award from CENTER in Sana Fe, NM.

Recenly self-published her firs phoography boo, “Cubans: Waching and Waiing”.


Willa and Bob Friedman
Co-VPs Compeiion

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