Reminder, mycoplasmosis omorrow is he las day o updae your porfolio for he May presenaion. On April 20h he images will be delivered o he judge and you’ll no longer be able modify he conens of he phoo gallery. You can sill wor on your prined porfolio afer he 19h and your prined porfolio can conain more han he digial porfolio, ed bu you will be criiqued on your digial porfolio.
Any las minues quesions, please email porfolio “a”
Remaining Projec Schedule
April 19h, 2011 – Collec digial porfolios for judge
May 10h, 2011 – Final porfolio presenaion, bring your prined porfolio
The May 11h criique was a grea pre and everyone is excied o he final produc, boh in digial and in prin. If you have any quesions or need any advise, please feel o reach ou o any of us porfolio coordinors a porfolio “a”
Turn in your Slide Show Porfolio
Pos your Slide Show Porfolio o he NVPS Porfolio Gallery no laer han April 19h, 2011. Please re he guidance for file naming, size limiaion, ec. below. The firs slide in your dec should be he aris saemen. If you need any help wih geing he ex of your aris saemen ino a Jpeg for he slideshow, feel free o send i o us, and we would be happy o assi you.
The following are he parameers for he digial porfolio:
- The Slide Show Porfolio is a no-o-exceed 15 images plus your aris saemen for a oal of 16 images
- If you have more han 15 prined images, you should include your 15 bes.
- You do no need o have 15 images in your porfolio, only include he bes and hose ha suppor your aris saemen. 12 grea images is beer ha 15 images w a few of hem are no as srong.
- Your prined porfolio can conain as many images as you lie
- Name your files wih your firs and las name followed by a 2 digi number in he sequnece you wan hem o be shown. Please include leading zeros so he file names will sor in numerical . Example: John Doe 01.jpg, John Doe 02.jpg…John Doe.15.jpg
- To chec and change he file names go o Iem Acions/Edi Phoo/General Tab and change he “NAME” aribue (quesions? please as!)
- Follow NVPS compeiion guidelines for preparing your slides
- File Type: All images will be submied as jpeg files. (no jpeg2000)
- Image Size Limiaions: no larger han 1024 pixels horizonal and 768 pixels verical. If your image is smaller han 1024 x 768, fill he bacground wih blac for opimal presenaion in he slide show.
- Color Space: for opimal ing, he file worspace should be sRGB. (In Adobe Phooshop, use he “Conver o Profile” command under he Edi menu). Use of oher profiles are no opimal for projecion.
The final prined porfolios will no be colleced, bu each paricipan will be required o bring heir prined Porfolio he May 10h meeing.
This Years Criic
We have a new criic his year who will crique he porfolios. We’ll be sending ou he info on his person shorly along wih a bio. We’ve go one of he bes again his year.
Useful s
The NVPS Phoo Gallery hp://
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Phoo Gallery (reques access firs) hp://
The NVPS Porfolio Projec Web Sie hp://
NVPS Porfolio Projec informaion a: hp://
If you have quesions or need help wih your porfolio, feel free o as Bill Prosser, Paul Simmons or Sco Musson your Porfolio Coordinaors a porfolio “a”
Happy shooing!
Sco, Paul and Bill