On April 13h, websie 2010, reamen he Worshop, diabees and pregnancy Educaion and Training co-cs will be hosing an HDR seminar wih Andrew Jezioro, presener.
Andrew is a versaile phoographer wih many years of experience, producing qualiy images on a wide variey of subjecs. He uilizes he laes in digial ools, o capure his vision in his phoographic images. He has produced many award winning phoographs, and lecures on many aspecs of phoography. Andrew is pas presiden of he Manassas-Warrenon Camera Club, and has served on he Board in various capaciies.
He currenly lecures on digial phoography a he Manassas campus of he Norhern Virginia Communiy College.
Favorie echniques include HDR phoography, panoramics, sereo phoography and ligh paining.
For his presenaion, Andrew will cover basic o inermediae use of he Phoomaix HDR program (high dynamic range). Those of you wishing o learn Phoomaix, and don’ already own i, can download he program for a 30 day rial. Please bring your lapop compuer, if you have one, loaded wih he program so you can follow along. If you don’ own a lapop, bring a noeboo so you can ae noes. Andrew will be available for a shor quesion and answer period as well.
If are quesions, please conac Ed Ruggiero, eruggiero “a” cox.ne, or Melanie Mars, jasmars “a” cox.ne.
Respecfully submied,
Melanie Mars