“Photography is a love affair with life.” Burk Uzzle
It’s hard to believe that it’s March already and we are two–thirds through in the club year. Our programs this season have been excellent.
The Zoom meetings have had the largest attendance. Thanks to Gary Perlow we’ve had wonderful speakers this year. All speakers were new to the club and covered a wide range of subject matter from macro to architecture and everything in between. Wayne Guenther and Jim Sinsheimer hosted our competition evenings with great success, bringing us judges from far and wide for the Zoom meetings, and two terrific new judges we’ve not had before, at the in–person competitions. By the way, there are ribbons for the winning images at the in–person meetings waiting to be picked up!
The in–person meetings were just as good. For Education and Training Jim McDermott has put together a good roster of events. A lot of people tuned in for Stan Bysshe’s talk on “How’s Your Storage” because it was presented on Zoom, but some of you missed a lot of valuable information when Jim Norman addressed “Photography and the Law,” a subject in which we all need to be well versed. Then there was Dan Ward’s great presentation on “Photographing a Solar Eclipse,” covering a lot of information many of us had never heard of before. In addition, we’ve had the preliminary Portfolio reviews, hosted by Deb Rose and Tana Ebbole, as well as printing and matting talks and demonstrations. There was also a fun 5th Tuesday where Jim had us experimenting with both still–life and model shooting. For that we had one of the firemen in full gear pose for us using various lighting arrangements.
The Member’s Gallery and Forum are always special evenings. KieuLan Nguyen and Thu Huyhn have worked hard to bring us both print and digital presentations for Member’s Gallery. It is always such a pleasure to see what our extremely creative and talented members are doing with their photography. This season alone we have been transported to Africa, Vietnam, Maine, Dubai, traveled through the southwest US, viewed imaginative floral images, communed with bears and other wildlife, and traveled with a few members to see their favorite things. Thank you to Art and Deb Rose, Jennifer Nguyen, KieuLan Nguyen, Rena Schild, Judy and Wayne Guenther, Kimxuan and Thien Nguyen, and Jim McDermott for your contributions.
Forum, hosted by Janice Kane, rounds out that evening where members share their knowledge, and we’ve gotten travel tips from Jim Norman, seen Catherine Wang’s gorgeous and award–winning still–life work, taken a vicarious rafting trip on the Colorado River with Art and Deb Rose, learned about AI photography from David Crooks, and travelled around the US with Alan Goldstein.
All of these programs are well worth seeing and part of the reason you joined NVPS. I strongly urge you to come to the firehouse for the in–person meetings. We’d love to see you there.
Pull out your day planner because the End of Year Awards event will be on Friday evening, June 14. We are working on booking the firehall where we have our regular meetings, having a catered dinner, and the presentation. Plans are still in the works and more information will follow as we firm up the details.
Ginger Werz-Petricka
NVPS President, 2023-2024