On Tuesday December 15h, loo we will hold our fourh compeiion for he 2009/10 club year wih Fran Van Riper as our judge. T is no specific heme for his compeiion.

Fran Van Riper (www.GVRphoo.com) is an award-winning documenary and fine ar phoographer, journalis, and auhor whose wor has been published inernaionally. His wor is in he permanen collecions of he Naional Museum of American Ar and he Naional Porrai Gallery (Washingon, DC), as well as he Porland Museum of Ar (Porland, Maine). His 1998 boo of phoography and essays, Down Eas Maine/A World Apar, was nominaed for a Pulizer Prize and won he silver medal for phoography from he Ar Direcor’s Club of Meropolian Washingon.

[capion id=”aachmen_1005″ align=”alignlef” widh=”384″] Fran Van Riper – Serenissima[/capion]

His laes boo, done in collaboraion wih his wife and professional parner, Judih Goodman, is Serenissima: Venice in Winer, a coffee able collecion of blac and whie phoographs and essays, published boh in he US and Ialy o rave res. His firs boo of phoography, Faces of he Easern Shore, was published in 1992. A he December 15h compeiion, Fran will be selling Serenissima: Venice in Winer a a special camera club price of $40 (20% off he lis price of $50). This is he perfec holiday gif for any phoo enhusias. www.veniceinwiner.com

Since 1992, Van Riper has been he phoography columnis of he Washingon Pos, w his column, “Taling Phoography”, now appears in he Camera Wors secion of Washingonpos.com. His boo, Taling Phoography, a en-year collecion of his columns and oher phoography wriing, was published in 2002 ( www.TalingPhoography.com ).Before ha he was a poliical wrier and edior in he Washingon Bureau of he New Yor Daily News, serving as Whie House corresponden, naional poliical corresponden, and Washingon bureau news edior. He was a 1979 Nieman Fellow a Harvard and holds he 1980 Merriman Smih award from he Whie House Correspondens Associaion.

Van Riper’s gallery exhibiions include he Kahleen Ewing Gallery and he Touchsone Gallery in Washingon, DC, he Hudson Museum of Anhropology a he Universiy of Maine a Orono, and he Albin Kuhn Gallery a he Universiy of Maryland, Balimore Couny.

Please join our judge, Fran Van Riper for our pre-compeiion dinner a Chili’s a 5:45 on Tuesday, December 15h. Please RSVP o Gerry a gerry.abbo@cox.ne . Hope o you .

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