We will sar a new program year of worshops. Monhly worshops will be held on he second Tuesday of he monh a he Dunn Loring Fire Saion. They sar a 7:30 PM.  When is a fifh Tuesday, ry will be an addiional worshop.  In paricular, his Sepember will provide wo worshops evens:  Sepember 8, Novice Nigh, and Sepember 29, Swap Mee.  Worshops are organized o promoe hands-on opporuniies o learn abou phoography sills, echniques, and equipmen. The inen is for worshop o provide “how-o” lessons which can be used in follow-up field rips o provide in-he-field pracice and insrucion. This is followed by Compeiion judging o provide feedbac on success. We will ry o plan many of he worshops o suppor Compeiion and Fieldrip hemes (his year: Opposies–November, Flash–January, and Monumens and Memorials–April).

Sepember 8, Novice Nigh  Ed Fun will spea abou he imporan feaures of camera and phoographic echniques wih an emphasis on aperure prioriy. Afer his presenaion will be ime for newer members o discuss follow-up quesions wih more experienced members in several breaou saions.  Bring your camera o allow some hands-on learning.

Sepember 29, Swap Mee/Show and Tell  This will provide an opporuniy o share and exchange or purchase iems from oher club members on sofware and equipmen ha is gahering dus on someone’s shelf bu could be pu o good use by someone else.  Also you can bring in your equipmen jus o show ohers wha feaures mae a difference o you.  This should be a grea opporuniy o a diverse se of equipmen.

Melanie Mars jasmars “a” cox.ne
Ed Ruggiero eruggiero “a” cox.ne

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