At the Board meeting on 12 July, the Board discussed the changes that were made to the NVPS Rules of Competition, and found that one section of the rules no longer made sense, after the changes we voted on near the end of our 2015-2016 season.  Last year we voted and approved changes to Section “C. Eligibility” to read as follows:

C. Eligibility

Only NVPS Club members are eligible to enter Club competitions. The total number of images each member may enter in any one monthly competition is limited to three (3).

Members competing in each Class (1, 2, and 3) can enter a maximum of 3 images.  One image may be entered into each of the 3 different competition categories: Color Prints, Monochrome Prints, and Digital Images.
All entries must have been photographed by the entrant and must satisfy the definition of photograph in Section II-

A. Plagiarism will result in disqualification of the image. All entries must be submitted prior to the start of the competition for the Category/Class in which it is being entered and must not, in the opinion of the Vice President for Competitions, interfere with the process of preparing a competition Class/Category for judging. Entrants should strive to submit their print entries at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.

In order to bring Section “B. Number of Competitions” into conformity with the changes approved above, we will need to make modify section B to read as follows:

B. Number of Competitions

During the club year (September through May), NVPS will sponsor nine (9) monthly competitions.  For a monthly competition in a Class/Category to occur, there must be a minimum of four (4) images submitted.  When there are less than four (4) images submitted, the judge shall critique and comment on the submitted images, but no awards or points shall be given.

This change to Section B will be presented to the general membership at the September meeting for a vote.   Editor’s note: We like to share competition winning images on the website and include a representative winner from each category in the monthly newsletter, but we cannot do this unless the photographer specifically grants permission. When you win a ribbon in the competition, please remember to grant permission. See the note in the following section for details.

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