Welcome back to another great year at NVPS! For our first Education and Training session for the 2016-2017 year, we are going to start by having Bill Corbett and Dennis Govoni provide an introduction to this year’s Portfolio Project. Then we are going to have a “Before and After” presentation and hands-on demonstration of different image processing techniques used by several of our members. The goal is to start the year by providing different ideas on how to process an image to get some amazing results.
Each participant has been given the same raw image files to process in a way that expresses their artistic vision. In the meeting they will show you the results of their efforts and discuss the steps they used to achieve their images.
Afterwards, we will have five stations set up around the room, where the presenters will process one of their own image files using various techniques and tools such as Lightroom, Photoshop, Photomatix, Nik Filters, and others. They will make the images available for you to work along with them as they process the image from start to finish. So please feel free to bring your laptop with you for this participative event.