bob-atchinsonThe Joe Atchison Award is a service award presented to an individual who has performed outstanding service to the club over a period of many years. It is not given every year. In our 50 year history it has been given to only 10 individuals (Dave Carter, Erwin Siegel, Greg Gregory, Ed Funk, Joe Miller, Andy Klein, Sherwin Kaplan, Bill Prosser, Tom Brett and Sam Schaen).

Bob became a member of NVPS in 2004. He has held a variety of positions including President, Competition VP, DB Manager, Field Trip Coordinator. He has done workshops, galleries, and forums. As the nominating committee pointed out, when something needs to be done, Bob comes through!

* He converted our membership system from a spreadsheet to the Microsoft Access database, and maintained the database for four years.

* Many consider the New York City field trip during his Field Trip coordinator stint among the best in the club’s history.

* He has provided instruction on matting several times over the years

* He has organized the Self Improvement program over the course of several years and instigated the “What did you do over the Summer” gallery

* He has been a Meadowlark and subsequently Nature Visions volunteer for almost as long as the exhibition has been in existence.

* He’s set up the coffee service at meetings for several years and procured the new Keurig coffee system for the club.

Whatever job he undertakes, Bob leads by example, convincing others of the need to give back to our organization. Bob always has the best interest of NVPS at heart.

For these reasons, tonight we present the Joe Atchison Award for Outstanding Service to NVPS to Bob Friedman. Please join me in thanking him for his continued service.

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