Well, thanks to the weather February didn’t work out for our camera fun night, so we’re going to give it another try. March may be too late for images for the Joe Miller Abstract Exhibit (remember to get your submissions in by February 28th), but it isn’t too late for the ‘Creativity’ themed competition on the 15th. So, bring your camera, your tripod and your lenses for a night of special fun. We will have stations around the room for photographing abstracts so consider bringing a macro if you have one. We will also have several areas for photographing water drops and drips, and an area for black light photography. Then, to round out the evening we will have a model for you. The emphasis will be on catching the model in motion so this will be a fun challenge. Plus, TBD, if it is warm enough to get it there we hope to have a motorcycle and a fog machine!
This promises to be a lot of fun! See you there.