This field trip features the historic mansions, gardens, houses and Civil War sites in and around downtown Fredericksburg. It will include opportunity to visit public sites such as The Chatham Manor and the Fredericksburg Battlefield Visitor Center at which there is no admission charge, as well as sites such as the Hugh Mercer Apothecary Shop, the Rising Sun Tavern, and the Mary Washington House and Gardens, which each charge an admission fee of $15.
We will meet at Chatham Manor at 9:00 a.m., and club members can choose various sites in downtown Fredericksburg that may wish to visit later in the day. We will meet for lunch at 1:00 p.m. at a local restaurant.
Visitor information for Fredericksburg can be found at
A map of a walking tour of Fredericksburg can be found at:
More detailed information on this trip including maps, directions, and suggested sites to visit will be provided around the first of September on the NVPS website, Facebook page and by e-mail.
Note: To facilitate sign-ups, please download this fillable .PDF to your desktop, fill it out on your computer, save it using your name as the file name, and attach it to an e-mail and send it to