NVPS Member Tom Hady, APSA, recently received the distinction of Master, MPSA, from the Photographic Society of America, in recognition of the fact that his prints have been accepted for showing at international exhibitions more than 1600 times.   Tom’s monochrome print, “Moraine Canoes,” also received the PSA Gold Medal for Best of Show at the 2013 PSA International Exhibition.

Moraine Canoes - Tom Hady, PSA Gold Medal for Best of Show at the 2013 PSA International Exhibition
Moraine Canoes – Tom Hady, PSA Gold Medal for Best of Show at the 2013 PSA International Exhibition

Tom’s commentary on his winning image:

“The mountain scene at Moraine Lake (in the Canadian Rockies) has been on my “bucket list” for many years.  It has to be a morning shot, because the mountains are shadowed in the afternoon.  We elected to stay at the lodge on the lake (which is a bit above our usual rates) in order to be there in the morning.  I awoke to find the weather too cloudy for the scenes I had envisioned.  “If life serves you lemons, make lemonade:”  I started looking for scenes that capitalized on the light available.  This one has been very successful, both in color and in black and white.  Good lemonade!”

Congratulations on Tom’s continued success in PSA International Exhibition’s.

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