Dear members,
This year NVPS has added a third class to our monthly competitions. Members are asked to self-select their class with the following guidelines:

Class Definitions

Class 1: Any Club member new to photography and is in the process of learning the basic photographic skills, principles and concepts such as manual camera controls; composition; exposure; metering; etc.
Class 2: Any Club member that has demonstrated basic photographic skills and principles and has a sound understanding of the craft.
Class 3: Any Club member who has demonstrated photographic skills at levels of consistently high quality and creativity or is a working professional photographer.

Division of Members into 3 Classes

Members in last year’s “Novice” class is relabeled “Class 1” this year. Last year’s “Novices” who were at the top 15% of their class would graduate to “Class 2” this year. These members can no longer compete in Class 1 or as a Novice.

Last year’s “Advanced” class will split into “Class 2” and “Class 3”. To help facilitate this division, think of “Class 2” as an intermediate class, and “Class 3” as an advanced class. Members would be allowed to self-select either “Class 2” or “Class 3” with the following guidelines and requirements:

1. It is recommended that current Advanced class members move to Class 2 if they:

a. Moved up from Novice to Advanced class within the last several years.

b. Compete often but rarely win an award in the Advanced class.

c. Do not meet any of the exceptions below (in # 2).

2. It is required that current Advanced class members remain in Class 3 if they:

a. Have often won awards in NVPS monthly competitions.

b. Ever won any “Advanced Photographer of the Year” award, or “Print, Digital or Image of the Year” award in an advanced or monochrome category.

c. Work as a professional photographer or photography instructor.

d. Are recommended to remain in Class 3 by the VP’s of Competition.
Note1: This is not an exhaustive list and there certainly will be exceptions. If you have competed in the advanced class for a number of years and your images occasionally win awards then you should likely continue to compete in Class 3. If you are unsure which class to participate next year, please see or email one of the VP’s of competition (Susan Phillips or Beth Morris) in advance of competition night.

Note 2: Changing classes mid-year is not recommended. If you choose to change classes in mid-year, your accumulated points will not be transferred.

Note 3: Please read the full set of competition rules on the NVPS website  before submitting your print and digital entries for competition.

Susan Phillips-VP Competition NVPS

Beth Morris -VP Competition NVPS

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