Co-Vice Presidents of Competition Susan Phillips and Beth Morris welcome you all back to a new and exciting year of competition.! We have a new rule structure

Josh Taylor
Josh Taylor

that can be found under Meetings/Competition/NVPS Rules of Competition. Please read these rules and decide what class you would like to compete. If you are undecided as to what class you belong, Susan and Beth will be available to discuss at the first two meetings of the year and after.

We have three themes this year:

  • “Abandoned And Discarded” October 15th with judge Alan DeFelice
  • “Out Of Place” January 21 with judge Jim Steele
  • ” Famous Places” April 15 with judge Sue Bloom

We also look forward to judges for November 19th–Mary Louise Ravese; December 17– Cory Hilz; February 18–Cindi Hobgood.

For our first Competition of the year September 17th we are honored to welcome back Josh Taylor to review our images.

Josh has presented photography workshops at the Smithsonian National Orchid Show, U.S. National Arboretum, U.S. Botanic Garden, Brookside Gardens, Sarah P. Duke Gardens, American Horticultural Society Garden School, Adkins Arboretum, and Longwood Gardens. In addition to being a Canon Camera instructor at Ace Photo, Josh speaks at camera and garden clubs, judges photographic competitions, and exhibits his photographs in gallery shows. He is a member of Garden Writers Association, National Association of Photoshop Professionals, and member and past president of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society. Josh was voted best garden club speaker in 2005 and was a judge for the 2009 Garden Writers Association National Media Awards and the 2010 Mid-Atlantic Nature Photography Expo. Longwood Gardens selected Josh as its Instructor of the Month (October 2010).

All are invited to join Josh at Chili’s of Tysons Corner at 5:30 the night of the meeting, emails to go out later for rsvp

Some Competition Reminders:

Images are uploaded the Sunday before competition meeting by 6pm with club password under NVPS Competition upload.

All images must have been captured within two years of competition date.

For prints, please make sure the maker, title, class/category, and date of capture are on the back; with arrow indicating this edge up. Neither name nor title should appear anywhere on the front of photo or mat. Mats must be securely attached.

Sign -in the night of competition by 7:15 PM

Make sure your mat size abides by the rules.

All members will be invited to ” before competition dinner” with the judge at Chili’s of Tyson’s Corner starting at 5:30. Rsvp emails will go out in advance of dinner for a reservation head count from Beth Morris (

Keep in mind competitions are to help us learn and improve our photography. We may not always agree with the results but we will become better photographers through the judges expertise and critiques. And what can more fun than looking at pictures.!

Susan Phillips Co- Vice President of Competition
Beth Morris- Co- Vice President of Competition

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