May 14 will feature the final critique of this year’s Portfolio Project.  Critiques are always a good learning experience so be sure to come.  You will be able to view the work of over 19 club members and hear the commentary of professional photographer Roy Sewell.

Coming to us from Bethesda, MD, Roy is the author of two photography books “Our Potomac” and “Great Falls and Mather Gorge”.  You can also see his most recent collection “People of the Woods” through May 2013 at his Sewall Photography Studio, 5619 Oak Place, Bethesda, MD 20817, 301-530-6720 and on his website  In addition, Roy is a teacher, with classes covering Getting Ahead in Competitions, Introduction to Digital Photography,Organizing Your Photo Files, as well as critique groups and individual instruction.

This evening will be a special treat and promises to be both informative and entertaining.

Roger and Dennis

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