There will be 3 themed competitions during the NVPS 2012-2013 club year. Their dates are given below. Please note that first themed competition (Bridges) will be October 16, 2012.

Theme #1: Bridges – October 16, 2012

  • No specific guidance for this theme

Theme #2: The Sun is your Friend – January 15, 2013

  • The image must be taken at least two hours after Sunrise and at least two hours before Sunset
  • The image must be taken at least two hours after Sunrise and at least two hours before Sunset
  • The image must portray that the sun is shining and not obscured. e.g. there are shadows.
  • The intent of this theme is to take a photo in hard light.
  • Light that comes from a single, point source, such as the Sun, and falls directly on the subject from one direction, without being reflected off another surface, is known as hard light. It generally casts dark shadows and produces high contrast pictures with deep blacks and bright highlights. The shadows also generally have a very distinct or hard edge, so that the outline of the object closely reflects the shape of the shadow.

Theme #3: A Different Point of View – April 16, 2013

Loo3 up, look down, look behind the subject (Look at the subject from the top, the bottom, the back–in a nontraditional way.)

#4. Oldies Night- May 21, 2013

  • The 2-year time limit will be waived for all competition classes and categories.
  • Images of any vintage can be submitted, including recent images.
  • There is “no theme” for this month.
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