Mason Neck State Park is located in the Southeast corner of Fairfax County. It is known for its eagles at this time of year. We may also see hawks, otters and waterfowl of all descriptions. There is a $4.00 admission fee per vehicle on weekends. ($3.00 weekdays.) Come as early as you wish but those that want to can meet at the Visitor’s Center at 10:00AM to compare notes. Then, about noon, we’ll meet at the Virginia Grill in Occoquan for lunch. Please indicate on the sign up sheet (at a club meeting) if you will join us for lunch.

Mason Neck SP is located off U. S. 1 (Richmond Highway). Take Gunston Road east and follow the signs. There is a mile long trail starting near the Visitor’s Center, along the bay and past a marsh where we recently spotted otters at play. You can also follow two trails in the Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge and you pass Gunston Hall, the former home of George Mason, as well as Pohick Bay Regional Park on your way to the park. Dress warm. Binoculars are helpful.

Bill Vanderpool (703-626-2975)   Claire Carroll (202-716-4346)

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