Ginger Werz-Petricka

“When you make prints you deepen your relationship with your images.”

John Paul Caponigro

The new club year has gotten off to a terrific start. As of this writing we have had two meetings. The year started on Zoom when Gary Perlow presented our speaker, Jeff Silva, who challenged all of us to go beyond the rule of thirds and up our composition game with the concept of Dynamic Symmetry. The second Tuesday we met in person at the Dunn Loring Firehouse for Education and Training where Jim McDermott focused on printing. It was a great evening of instruction and group discussion. We had our first monthly competition with judge Jennifer King on the third Tuesday. For the last Tuesday we had our Members Gallery and Forum in person where we saw the digital images of Rena Schild, the prints of Jim McDermott, and the Forum program with Catherine Wang. After almost three years it has been wonderful to finally see so many of you in person, both our longtime members and newer members we haven’t had the chance to meet before. I look forward to seeing more of all of you throughout this club year.

“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”

Sherry Anderson

Clubs like ours owe their success to the many volunteers who lend their talents where needed. Every year we get to know the chairs of the monthly programs, but there are a lot of feet paddling below the surface propelling us forward. The last few years when we had to rely on Zoom to conduct our meetings is a perfect example. There is a fairly large group of members working behind the scenes, both now and for the last few years of the pandemic, without whom the club would not have been able to continue functioning.

Our Operations Team has worked tirelessly to discover the ways to keep us online and is responsible for making our in–person meetings run smoothly. We can thank Frank Napoli – VP of Ops, Jeff Hancock and Susan Blalock – Digital Projection, and Brian Payne – Facilities along with Steve Glintz, David Crooks, and Art and Deb Rose for being backup.

Providing all of us with the information we need is a huge job. Our Website team includes David Crooks Website Manager, Jack Ledgerwood former Website Editor, replaced this year by Barbara Travis and Debra Mastronardi. Judy Guenther and John Nash for producing our online magazine FotoFax. George Bradshaw for E–Blasts and Membership along with Terri Lannigan, and John Quigley our Gallery Editor and Judges Preview Editor. And this list could not be complete without Mike Whalen who has been our go–to guy for just about everything for many years, including providing sound equipment from his band days.

When you meet them at the meetings please say thank you for all their hard work.

Ginger Werz–Petricka
NVPS President 2023–2024

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