
Thien and Kimxuan had traveled to Tanzania twice within a year to photograph animals, birds and everything in between. Tanzania is a Country in East Africa. The people of Tanzania were so nice and courteous. The National Parks had many different types of animals and birds. Also, the landscapes were peaceful and beautiful.  


Kimxuan Nguyen studied photography in college when the photography world was still using film and darkroom to process photos. Fast-forward, Kimxuan joined the Northern Virginia Photographic Society (NVPS) in 2019. She received several Awards including the Ollie Fite Award. 

Thien Nguyen started photography during the pandemic a few years back. He enjoys reading about photography during his spare time. He joined the Northern Virginia Photographic Society (NVPS) in 2020. He received several Awards including the Ollie Fite Award. 

Thien and Kimxuan like to travel within the United States as well as the world to capture mostly landscaping and wildlife.    

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