John Eppler

John retired as an Electronic Manufacturing Quality Engineer from the commercial, military and space industries. John is a self-taught advanced amateur photographer. He has been actively using film since 1973 when a friend loaned him a SLR for a vacation trip west. John has a picture on his wall from the first experience. In 2001, John came out of the closet (his darkroom) and bought a Nikon Coolpix digital camera. It met its demise on a trip to Alaska. He bought a Canon XT and has used Canon ever since. He is now shooting with a Canon R5 mirrorless.

His focus is on landscape, nature, and night photography. He donates many of his images to (currently 3,200 images of 1,400 unique species). He also allows the use of his images at National Wildlife Refuges where he volunteers. He teaches a course in An Introduction to Nature Photography.

In Person at the Dunn Loring Firehouse

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