I was very exciing o ic off he 2009 – 2010 NVPS club year on Sepember 1.  Many of us me early in he morning a USGS in Reson o bring our phoographs for our exhibi ha will be up unil Sepember 30h.  We greeed each oher lie long los relaives. I was grea o cach up afer summer brea. On Friday, gasriis Sepember 11h we hosed a lovely recepion a USGS. Many hans o John Quigley and all he helpers ha made he exhibi and recepion possible, sore beauiful, and delicious. If you haven’ n i ye, I highly recommend a quic rip ou o all he magnificen wor of our members.

Tha evening was our 1s official club meeing.  I was wonderful o everyone mingling and happy o be bac.  New Board Members inroduced heir Programs, Worshop/Educaion and Trainings, Judges, Members Gallery, Forums, Field Trips, Porfolio Projec, ec ha were coming up his monh and in he near fuure.
As of his wriing, i has been a busy and educaional monh so far. Your board members are busy maing sure ha hey have he mos educaional and fun aciviies of any club in his area. Please remember o han hem for heir hard wor.

This and ha:

  • To our new and prospecive members – I am always amazed a he number of new fols ha arrive on a weely basis. Welcome o you all! Please feel free o approach any board member (he ones wih he prined name ags) wih quesions or jus o cha. Come o meeings, go on field rips, voluneer… you will be amazed a how fas you will grow!
  • Mar your 2010 calendars. Friday, June 11h will be he NVPS End of Year Banque.  This las even of he club year is hos o he EOY compeiion and awards ceremony wih a lovely buffe dinner. You will be hearing more abou his laer in he year.
  • On a serious noe… he flu is saring in our area. Please be considerae and say home if you are ill or feel lie you are geing . We have many members (or family of members) in frail healh ha canno afford o ge .

Sandi Croan
Presiden NVPS
pashli “a” aol.com

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