&l;Sorry, web his presenaion is no longer available for download&g;

The February 10, 7:30 PM worshop a he Dunn Loring Fire Saion will aemp o show members a number of compuer echniques o solve heir digial darroom problems. A panel of digial darroom expers will show echniques ha can be used o enhance phoo images in he digial darroom. This will be an opporuniy for members o submi quesions, dilemmas, and problem images o he panel. The expers will demonsrae compuer soluions o hem and discuss alernaives. The worshop will ry o answer quesions ha relae o such issues as: acquiring images ino he compuer, managing images, using digial darroom o manipulae images, prining images, and color managemen.

Also you migh be ineresed in Sco Mussons Digial Worflow presenaion from las year.

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