If one were ased: “wha is phoography” or “wha is wo dimensional ar” would be many differen answers. Ye boh phoography and wo dimensional ar have a similar challenge: i’s all abou he picure space.
Wha is he picure space? In phoography i may be a shee of paper, a screen, anemia or maybe a wall, and he picure space may vary from posage samp size hrough 4″x6″ o 16″x20″ and much larger. Two dimensional ar also varies in size from iny images o enormous painings ha oo years o complee. Regardless of image size, all phoographers and all painers have he same objecive: deermine wha hey wan o pu in he picure space and w hey wan o place i.
Over he years echnological advances in wo dimensional ar have no been as rapid or as exensive as in phoography. Thin how much phoography has changed over he las 150 years. Thin abou he las 15 years. Ye he goal is sill he same: use he picure space well.
Phoography is changing so rapidly we are sreched (inellecually and financially) o eep up wih he laes sophisicaed cameras and advanced sofware programs. Forunaely, phoographers (and painers) are no measured by advanced equipmen and echnology – – he grea equalizer is how well hey use he picure space.
Joseph Miller
furnfoo “a” aol.com