The holidays are one of my favorite times of year. People feeling festive. Gatherings of family and friends. Sweaters, jackets, wool hats, and mittens. Holiday lights and displays. Maybe if we are fortunate enough, we will have snow creating a winter wonderland and beautiful photo opportunities. So, keep your cameras ready!
On December 7th Lori Lankford, a local photographer, digital artist, and instructor will present “Winter in Place”, a discussion of creative photo projects for the winter months. Club members have expressed interest in photographing architecture. On December 14th, E&T has arranged for Judy Guenther to do a presentation on “What to See in Architecture”. Kristi Odom will be judging our open themed competition on December 21st. If you have questions or need guidance, please see the NVPS Rules of Competition or email our VPs of Competition, Tana Ebbole and Brenda Wilson, at
Our Field Trip, on December 11th, will be to photograph the Capital Christmas Tree. It is a wonderful site to see with all the lights and handmade ornaments from around the country. Every year, a different national forest is selected to provide a tree. The 2021 tree will come from the Six Rivers National Forest in California. Please join us for this festive evening and the opportunity to see NVPS members in person!
To learn more about these programs and events visit the NVPS Events Calendar on our website. As a reminder, due to the holidays, there will be no meeting on December 28th. Meetings will resume on January 4th.
As a heads up, in January 2022, NVPS will be asking you to complete an on-line survey. Your participation is very important. The feedback we receive will help in planning future programs and activities which meet the interests and needs of our club members.
Also in January 2022, we plan to begin testing the technology for hybrid meetings, where some members will meet in person, while the rest attend by Zoom. We do not have a date yet for when we will resume meetings at the firehouse, but we need to be prepared for when the time is right.
On a final note, the holidays for me are a time for reflection. I am grateful for many things. NVPS is high on my list. It is not just about the learning and growth I am making as a photographer, but the lasting friendships I have made. I want to thank each and every one of you for the joy you bring!
Happy holidays to you and yours!