Fotofax – President’s Letter – October 2021
The 2021-2022 NVPS club year is off to a fantastic start due to the hard work of our Volunteers and Board! Look what we have accomplished in just our first month, despite still not being able to hold our weekly meetings in person. October will be no different. We are beginning the month with National Geographic photographer Mark Thiessen, who will give us what I expect to be a captivating and professional presentation, “From Wildfires to the Marianas Trench.” For E&T, we are fortunate to have another outside speaker, Padma Inguva, who will share her techniques in creating stunning flower portraits. On October 19th we have an open theme competition being judged by Greg Holden who has been a previous NVPS judge. We end the month with Member’s Galleries from Bob Friedman and Tim Brown and with Stan Bysshe giving a Member’s Forum on “Practicing the Art of Bird Photography in Florida.” Also, please plan to attend the field trip to Georgetown on October 23rd being organized by Steve Glintz and Rena Schild. To learn more about these programs and events visit the NVPS Events Calendar on our website.
NVPS members appear to be traveling again from domestic to international. Please share your images on NVPS’s Facebook private social group. We would love to see them! If you do not belong, click on this link NVPS Facebook Group and request to join.
Speaking of travel, I got on a plane in July to fly to North Dakota and from there to Glacier National Park in Montana, stopping at Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Those who are familiar with my photography know my passion is to photograph landscapes. Photographing animals, who are not still like a landscape, was challenging for me. The techniques are different, and it forced me to put down my trusty tripod and change my usual camera settings. I learned to embrace Auto ISO. Now I must work on focusing on animals on the move. I missed focus on a shot of a grizzly sow and her cubs, who came running out of nowhere and decided the mountain goats standing nearby would make a good breakfast. Maybe I should have been more focused on deploying my bear spray! This encounter was not the recommended 25 school bus distance from bears, maybe it was three, and the photo was taken with a wide-angle lens!
Happy clicking everyone!