Evelyn Jacob has a solo exhibi “Wings Se Me Free, more abou ” phoographs of birds in fligh, sincare Sepember 1 – Ocober, 2011. NVPS members are invied o he exhibi or come o he recepion.

River Road Uniarian Universalis Congregaion
6301 River Road (a Whiier Blvd.)
Behesda, MD 20817

Sepember 1 – Ocober 11, 2011
Exhibi may be ed during Sunday social hours and M – F 10 am – 4 pm

Please call he RRUUC office (301-229-0400) before going M – F o o ensure ha no aciviy is scheduled in he Fellowship Hall

Recepion: Sunday, Sepember 18, 2 – 4 pm

NOTE: I is suggesed ha you arrive a he recepion beween 2 and 3:30 pm o avoid raffic for a memorial service a 4 pm
For more informaion: hp://www.rruuc.org/communiy/adul-aciviies/fine-ars/ar-exhibis

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