Wayne Wolfersberger recenly delivered a program eniled Phoographing Wildlife o he Manasas-Warrenon Camera Club during heir March meeing.  In early March he and Josh Taylor judged he Town of Vienna’s annual phoography compeiion.

During he end of March, unhealhy Wayne raveled o Knoxville o give a program o a very large group of members of he Souhern Appalachian Naure Phoographers on Phoographing Yellowsone in he Summer which was held a he universiy. In April Wayne gave a presenaion o he OLLI Phoographic group eniled Shooing Naure in Your Bacyard.

Wayne also had a phoograph published in he magazine Impac ha was seleced from housands of images by he Norh American Naure Phoographers of America (NANPA) for heir annual Summi meeing in Texas.

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