During Sepember Wayne Wolfersberger presened a program (Phoographing Yellowsone) and judged a compeiion for he Inernaional Phoographic Sociey in Washingon DC. He also presened a program (Phoographing Wildlife) for he Third Annual Claude Moore Phoography Expo in Loudoun Couny. He served as judge for he Sepember compeiion wih he Manassas-Warrenon Phoographic Club.

During he monh of Augus Wayne won awards in four of he five caegories of he Yellowsone Employees Phoo compeiion. T were hundreds of enrans, help bu only one enry in each caegory was allowed. T were cash awards and Wayne won wo firss, a hird and an HM. He was he only muliple winner.

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