Ron Taylor – NVPS President
We begin May with a presentation by Michael Koren titled “Artistic Expression Through Smartphone Photography.” Michael is a free-lance sports and event photographer in the Baltimore Washington metro area specializing in youth sports game-time action and team portraits. His presentation will help you learn to better use the camera that’s always with you. You’ll be exposed to techniques which go beyond taking simple snapshots and learn to start creating photographs which artistically express your unique vision.
The judge for our May competition will be Nicol Hockett, and the theme is Oldies. This will give you an excuse to do a deep dive into your virtual attics and search for treasure. The three-year time limit is waived for this competition. Remember that we have revised the rules of competition for this year only, and have included the revised rules on the website. To find them go to the Home page and select Activities and then Competitions. Please review the rules carefully before you submit your images.
We made it (almost)! At this time last year, we weren’t sure what effect the pandemic would have on our Club. Thanks to the hard work of a lot of people and the dedication of our members, we didn’t miss a beat, and we’re well-positioned to continue providing the photographic education and inspiration you have come to expect.
Our Education and Training meeting will feature the second final review of Portfolio Project (PP) submissions, with Cynthia Keith as our guest reviewer. This will be the final meeting devoted to the Portfolio Project this year.
Our field trip will be at Brookside Gardens on May 15 between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Brookside Gardens is part of the Wheaton Regional Park and is operated by Montgomery Parks. There should be plenty of flowers, plants and other interesting things to photograph.
Deb and Art Rose and Wayne Guenther will offer Members Gallery presentations. Deb and Art’s presentation is titled “Exploring Delaware” and Wayne’s is titled “Digital Patterns and Graphics.” Stan Bysshe will present a Members Forum titled “Yellowstone.”
Finally, the End-of-Year Competition will be held on June 4, with Roy Sewall as our judge. Roy is an excellent photographer, teacher and judge, and I’m sure he will provide insightful observations for all the finalists.
I look forward to seeing you at the next Club meeting.