A new gallery has been set up to share a holiday photo with club members.  Rules are simple.  Photograph has to be taken from Thanksgiving Day to New Years Day, this year.  Only post one photo.

Gallery Info:

This is a gallery of images from NVPS members showing what they did on their Winter Holiday between Thanksgiving and New Year. Upload (or email to nvpsimagegallery “at” nvps.org)  ONE image per person, additional photos will be removed. Name the Photo “Your Name.jpg” and enter the “What you did” in the caption field. If you need help, with uploading our image, you must be a registered user of the photo gallery, if you need additional help please email nvpsimagegallery “at” nvps.org. For security reasons you will not be able to make corrections or delete images.  Just email us if you would like to change something.

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