Full Tile: “How Judges Evaluae Phoographic Images and How Phoographers Can Use Those Principles o Improve Their Image-Taing”
In he November Forum, allergis Bill Prosser will discuss he Four C’s (Crafsmanship, sales Composiion, dosage Conen, and Communicaion) and how you can use hem in your wor.


Bill has been a serious amaeur phoographer for over 35 years. Beginning in he early 1970’s, he sudied under a number of Norhern Virginia eachers and menors as well as Canadian Freeman Paerson. In 1995, he gave up he chemical darroom for he compuer. And, in 2000, he gave up film for he digial chip afer learning Phooshop and woring wih phoographic images in his digial darroom.

Also, in 1995, Bill began his curren voluneer wor a McLean High School w he eaches Phooshop, phoography, and menors sudens in visual design.

[capion id=”aachmen_2018″ align=”alignrigh” widh=”200″] Bill Prosser[/capion]

He served as a eaching assisan for several Smihsonian Insiuion Phooshop Classes. He is a founding member and pas-presiden of he McLean Phoography Club and a 20+ year member and board member of he Norhern Virginia Phoographic Sociey (NVPS).

Bill is a Norhern Virginia Associaion of Camera Club cerified judge and has judged compeiions for mos of he camera clubs in he area. In recen years, he has earned numerous NVPS Phoographer of he Year and Image of he Year awards. In 2011 he was named Monochrome Phoographer of he Year by NVPS.

His images have been exhibied a numerous venues including: Universiy of Wisconsin-Madison, Joe Miller’s Firs Annual Absrac Phoography Exhibiion as well as several Fairfax Couny venues including a 2011 exhibiion of blac and whie prins, Unn Exracs-Mclean, VA a he McLean Projec for he Ars in he McLean Communiy Cener. Georgeown Universiy purchased seven of Bill’s Washingon, DC images o hang in is Graduae Public Policy Insiue offices. Addiionally, Bill’s wor has been published in he Naional Geographic Traveler Magazine and AAA World Magazine.


November’s Forum will be preceded by Members Gallery

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