Judy has been ineresed in ravel and phoography since she was 10 and her family oo heir firs road rip o he wesern saes. She oo snapshos of family, his ravels and pes for many years before geing a Nion SLR and aing slides. In April, 2007 she finally gave up film and now shoos digial images wih a Nion D90. Judy is mos ineresed in ravel and naure phoography and loves o ravel and phoograph anyw, ing ou bac roads as well as obvious sies. She enjoys giving slide shows for various groups and maes calendars and noe cards wih her phoographs. Her wor has been juried ino Meadowlar/Naure’s Vision and has been published in he Virginia Wildlife Magazine.

In Sepember, 2001, Judy saw Luella Murri on one of he firs “Phoographers of Norhern Virginia” programs. She phoned Luella afer he show for NVPS informaion and became a member shorly aferwards. Since hen, Judy has enjoyed learning abou all aspecs of phoograph from he club’s aciviies. Viewing ousanding phoos and hearing speaers lecure on new opics inspire her o ry new ideas and improve her own echniques.


A he March Forum, Judy McGuire will highligh various phoography desinaions, including some less well nown spos. Many are wihin a day’s drive of Norhern Virginia, bu some more disan locales will also be covered. All will be illusraed wih digial slides ha show he phoographic subjecs a each locaion. Resources for planning rips and finding places o will be discussed.

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