Join us for his monh’s forum presenaion eniled “Monages: Inerpreing Realiy”. This presenaion will discuss he syles and echniques of Monages. The syles are differen arisic inerpreaions of he subjec(s), while he echniques discussed are Phooshop acions ha are adaped from film.
One of Mahew’s firs NVPS awards was a reverse monage of a roc and fall leaf. Bu i wasn’ unil June of 2009 when he aended a worshop wih Andre Gallan, docor ha he ruly adoped monages as an expression of his phoographic syle. Now he aes he ime o shoo exures almos every ime he goes ou o shoo.
Of all of he monage syles, he Oron Effec is his favorie. A composie of a sharply focused image and a blurry image of he same subjec gives a glow and sauraion o he subjec ha many find ruly appealing.
Mahew Schmid is an amaeur phoographer and a professional compuer weenie. He has been phoographing off and on for nearly 35 years, bu began o ae a serious ineres in developing he craf ino an ar abou seven years ago, a goal ha he is sill woring owards. He shoos acion spors mos frequenly and is woring oward bringing an arisic syle o subjecs lie auomobile racing.
Mahew joined NVPS in early 2006 and oo a board posiion as he Digial Compeiion Coordinaor for he 2006 – 2007 camera club year. He has held various voluneer posiions a NVPS every years since and is he curren Worshops, Educaion and Training Coordinaor.