Creaive Inerpreaions

Phoography is all abou inerpreaion. From subjec selecion o focal lengh and deciding w he camera is placed, a phoographer maes many decisions ha inerpre he scene. When we al abou phoography as ar, we refer o phoographs ha go beyond he documenary. These phoos show he subjec in an aypical manner and someime even challenge our percepions by delving in he absrac. Nihil’s presenaion will concenrae on hese creaive inerpreaions.


Nihil Bahl lies o capure naure’s poery via he ar of phoography. While his primary ineres remains naure phoography, he has phoographed corporae evens, award funcions, weddings, and has even delved in porraiure and sudio phoography.

Nihil leads locaion worshops and phoo ours. He eaches phoography a he Meropolian Cener for he Visual Ars (VisArs), in Rocville, Maryland, Meadowlar Boanical Gardens in Vienna, Virginia and was recenly recruied by Digial Phoo Academy as one of heir DC area insrucors. He believes ha rying o impar a fresh perspecive is he bigges challenge in phoography. His insrucion is focused on in-camera inerpreaion and developing personal vision raher han simply following “he rules”.

Nihil’s wor has been published on pos cards, greeing cards, posers, newsleers, magazines and web sies. His fine ar prins are par of many privae collecions and have been in several exhibis in he Washingon Meropolian area. While he does mos of his phoography in he DC area, his ravels have aen him around he counry. He is also a voluneer phoographer for he Naional Par Service and he U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Please for more.

The Forum will be presened afer he Members Gallery Presenaion on Tuesday March 23rd 2010.

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