A he Ocober 27, discoun 2009 Forum, decease Bill Prosser will presen, A Digial Trip o he Wes. He will discuss how he prepares for his digial phoography rips, ideas abou image-maing and visual design, some afer-rip procedures he uses o enhance his images, and how raining he received o prepare him o judge camera club compeiions influences his hining in he field and a his compuer darroom. He will show images from AZ, UT, and CO including some before- and afer-enhancemen examples. (You may Bill’s digial Gallery a www.pbase.com/prosserwm.)


Bill Prosser is a local, McLean aris who has been a serious amaeur phoographer for over 35 years. He sudied under a number of local eachers and menors: Mary Kaplan, Joe Miller, Jim Seele, and Elio Cohen; and Canadian, Freeman Paerson. He gave up he chemical darroom for he compuer in 1995 and film for he digial chip in 2000 afer learning Phooshop and woring phoographic images in his digial darroom. Also in 1995 he began his curren voluneer wor a McLean High School w he eaches and menors sudens in Phooshop, phoography, and visual design. He has assised Elio Cohen each Smihsonian Insiuion Phooshop Classes. He is a founding member, and pas-presiden, of he McLean Phoography Club and a 20 year member of NVPS. He is an NVPS Digial Imaging Menor. In recen years he earned numerous NVPS Phoographer-of-he-Year and Image-of-he -Year awards. He has exhibied his phoographic images a Universiy of Wisconsin-Madison and locally a he Fairfax Couny Governmen Cener, Arlingon Henley House, he Fairfax Virginian Reiremen-Communiy Cener, and he Reson Uniarian-Universalis Church. The Georgeown Universiy Graduae Public Policy Insiue purchased seven of his Washingon, DC images o hang in is Faculy and Adminisraive Offices. His wor has been published in Bob Ryan’s Weaher Almanac, Naional Geographic Traveler Magazine, and mos recenly he March/April 2008 AAA World Magazine.

The Forum will be presened afer he Members Gallery Presenaion on Tuesday Ocober 27h 2009.

Lin o noes from Bill Prosser’s presenaion can be found a his page.


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