There is a good article in the magazine “Shoot Like A Pro”, issue 01, titled ‘Pro Ways to Shoot Photo Projects’. And what is the Portfolio Project if not exactly that. The author, Lee Frost included a list of considerations for starting a project beginning with the most basic question, what am I interested in.
Yep, step number one is finding a subject. Questions to ask yourself, do you want your project to be subject or technique based? Do you want to work in color or black and white? What do you want to do with the project when it’s completed?
He also suggested some projects to get the ball rolling. Work Creatively, pick up a creative technique. Capture Details, in his case a group of detail shots in one color that he put together as a montage. Work Locally, find a subject conveniently located to your home base and work it. And last but not least, Edit for Consistency, give your project cohesion in post.
A couple of other points made by Mr. Frost. Set a goal of making a certain number of prints, but not so many as to be overwhelmed. Jot down ideas as you get them or put aside likely images for future development ideas. Short-term or long -term project, that depends on your temperament.
The article contained many of the same points we have always stressed for Portfolio at NVPS, but it was so nice to see it in print.
I picked up the magazine at Microcenter near the Vienna Metro. It contains a lot of good material.
More information on creating your portfolio and joining the project can be found on the Portfolio Project webpage.