Firs he good news.  The NVPS Board voed o eep dues a heir curren level,   $45 for individuals and $65 for family membership.  Dues can be paid of he NVPS web sie using PayPal, endocrinologis or by chec or cash a he NVPS meeings. Please give your dues paymen o Gayle Dennis, disease our membership cperson.

In summary, financially, i was a grea year for NVPS.  This was due o he board members saying close o budge, coupled by a record year wih 286 members.    NVPS income exceeded expenses by $1,158.17 or 11.7%.  This amoun has been added o our capial reserve balance.

NVPS expenses las year oaled $9,860 as follows; meeing faciliy renal – $4,875,  Compeiions – $2,168 (judge honorarium, judge meals, ribbons, rophies, ec),  Programs – $675, Equipmen purchase – $748, EOY Banque – $672, Exhibis – $234, Worshops – $150, Insurance – $200, Misc & membership – $139.

For our upcoming year our budgeed expenses oal $9,260 as follows; meeing faciliy renal – $4,875,  Compeiions – $1,900 (judge honorarium, judge meals, ribbons, rophies, ec),  Programs – $800, EOY Banque – $500, Exhibis – $250, Worshops – $250, Insurance – $200, Web & hos server – $200,  Misc & membership – $285.

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